Quite a while ago I wrote some JavaScript to help with manipulating colors. I wrote it before I perfected the way I wrote classes and JavaScript in general. That means that it is pretty shabby in comparison to what I can do now. Here is Color in it’s old form. I say old because I am going to rewrite it. This time using classes, making it run in a browser or a server, and having it validate in JSHint. I will probably even drop it on NPM.

Now, to rewrite this I am going to need some functions to convert colors in various formats to a base format. I will be using an array as a base. This array will simply contain the red green and blue values for the color. In the final class everything will be orderly and packaged away with nice function names. For now, I am just going to write some color conversion functions that you are free to use where ever you want.

 * Converts a hexadecimal color to an array
 * Containing it's red, green and blue values
 * @param {String} color Hexadecimal color
 * @return {Array} Red, green and blue values of the color
function hex2array(color) {
    // Initialise variables
    var rgb = [];

    // Take off the hash
    color = color.slice(1);

    // Convert it to the right length if it is the shorthand
    if(color.length === 3) {
        color = color.replace(/([0-9a-f])/ig, '$1$1');

    // Split the string into its main components and convert them to RGB
    for(i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
        rgb.push(parseInt(color.slice(i * 2, (i + 1) * 2), 16));

    // Return the finished array
    return rgb;

 * Converts an RGB color to an array
 * Containing it's red, green and blue values
 * The RGB color must resemble `rgb(0, 0, 0)`
 * @param {String} color RGB color
 * @return {Array} Red, green and blue values of the color
function rgb2array(color) {
    // Initialise variables
    var i = null,
        rgb = null;

    // Take out the 'rgb(', ')', spaces and split it by commas
    rgb = color.replace(/rgb\(|\)|\s/gi, '').split(',');

    // Loop over the rgb values converting them to integers
    for(i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
        rgb[i] = parseInt(rgb[i], 10);

    // Return the finished array
    return rgb;

// Color names, used in a function down below
var colors = {
    aliceblue: [240, 248, 255],
    antiquewhite: [250, 235, 215],
        To get all of the colors please visit the fiddle
        There were just too many to drop into here
    yellow: [255, 255, 0],
    yellowgreen: [154, 205, 50]

 * Converts a color to an array by it's name
 * Containing it's red, green and blue values
 * Will return false if the color was not recognised
 * @param {String} color A colors name
 * @return {Array|Boolean} Red, green and blue values of the color or false if the color could not be found
function name2array(color) {
    // Clean up the colors name
    color = color.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-z]/g, '');

    // Check if we have a matching color
    if(colors.hasOwnProperty(color)) {
        // We do, return it
        // We have to build a new array otherwise the reference to the original will be returned
        // If this happens changes made to the returned array will affect this one
        return [colors[color][0], colors[color][1], colors[color][2]];

    // Default to returning false
    // This will happen if the color was not recognised
    return false;

console.log(rgb2array('rgb(10,  20  ,200)'));
console.log(name2array('Indian Red'));

Whew! That’s a lot of code! I have had to leave out a lot of the color names simply because of how many there are. You can find the full code in the fiddle I created. These functions will convert hexadecimal, RGB and color names to an array containing their RGB values. I have not added functions to convert the other way in here because they will come with the Color class I am going to write. Well, just in case you really need to convert something now, here is how to convert back to an RGB value. Pretty simple but useful too.

 * Converts an RGB array to an RGB string
 * @param {Array} color An array containing the red, green and blue values of a color
 * @return {String} The RGB string of the color array
function array2rgb(color) {
    // Combine and return the values
    return 'rgb(' + color.join() + ')';

So there you have it. Three functions to convert colors into a JavaScript friendly format and one to go back the other way. You will find these and more as I rewrite my Color class. I also plan to add hue, saturation and lightness control to my class. Now that is going to be fun. I hope these functions will help some people out. If they do, let me know!